This blog is suffering from severe neglect (as you can see by the date of my last post). I think it's also suffering from something of an identity crisis. When I began this project years back, it was with the purpose of highlighting my artwork, and chronically my journey as I rediscovered being an artists Since then my focus has changed. Instead of being an artist who likes to write, I've discovered that what I really am is a writer, who loves to make art.
Now the question is, what to do about things here at Monkey Pants. Physically you will see a slight alteration to the header. I plan to drop the "Designs" portion, which was intended for my artwork only. I've also changed up the tag line and description to reflect where things are going. Aside from that, the look of things should remain much the same for now. I'm incubating future alterations in the look of this blog, and will begin rolling that out as it becomes more clear for me.
The content of the posts will see the most notable change. Whereas artwork, and discussion of things happening in the studio (though I admit there was never a whole lot of that), was to be the primary purpose of Monkey Pants, discussion of my life as a writer, and what I am working on in that regard will be what you'll find here now. From time to time, I'll also be putting up posts on things that I've discovered that excite and inspire me in my creative life.
Now, I'm not saying I'm be packing away my paper clay, brushes and paints. I still intend to mess around in my little studio. You'll see just what comes out of those moments from time to time. As soon as I can figure out just how it will work, the blog will evolve again as a hybrid of my two creative worlds. Art features prominently in the world I've created for my books, and the hope is to eventually make the art that shows up in my books, and share it will all of you. I'm excited about the possibilities.
I never had a lot of regular followers, but I hope that those I do have will hang in here with me. I may need your help and suggestions to make Monkey Pants into a worthwhile place to stop by for a visit! I hope too that I can eventually attract the attention of new readers. (Maybe when my books get published!) I'll be back with a new post in about a week. Still some things to figure out at this end regarding the shift. In the mean time, stay cool (if you're dealing with the current heat wave), and I see you back here very soon!
I do like the changes and look forward to your shift in direction. Keep us up to date on your writing and (when you can squeeze it in) your art work.