Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Forward movement...finally!

Spent a couple of hours last night carving out space at one end of the laundry room for my studio. Not an easy task as it required moving nearly everything out, sweeping out the cobwebs, sawdust, cat hair and such, then rearranging storage bins and shelving to create my "creative man-cave."

Am happy to report that I now have a permanent place for my easel and newly acquired desk, with plenty of floor space for larger sculptural pieces. Still another good evening or two's worth of sorting, pitching and organizing, but an end is in sight. Once everything has been gone through and I have made room for the things that were displaced, I can get the lighting hung, the peg board mounted and my tools and supplies put out. How nice it will be to have everything all in one place and ready whenever I am. If all goes well, I may begin actual artwork by the weekend. I think I feel like a serious artist for maybe the first time in my life.

By next week's post I should have a few pics of the studio such as it is.

Till then!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Slow start to 2010

I am not sure I much care for the month of January. I always have such high hopes and even bigger plans for the beginning of a new year. If only real life played out like I have it mapped out in my head. I was alright with taking time away from my creative pursuits during the holidays, but had planned to hit it hard and heavy once January 1st arrived. Here we are on the 11th day of the month, and all I have done is read about other people's processes and progress. (I'm filling my data bank?) This is why I struggle to call myself an artist at times.

I know that I just need to be kinder to myself and remember that when I am inspired, I will move out of this period of "unproductivity." (Is that even a word?)

I know that part of my hesitation in getting to work on some of the things that I either have started or am working out in my head is that I haven't really claimed a workspace for myself here at home. Though the workbench in the garage was great during the summer and autumn months, it is far too chilly (and often too wet with melting snow and ice from the car) to spend more than a few minutes out there. Maybe setting up a permanent indoor studio space should be my focus for now. Once that has been accomplished, it is hard to believe that the inspiration and motivation won't follow.

In addition to artwork, I had planned to begin rewriting one of my NaNoWriMo novels this year. Since the virus took out our PC in December though, I can't spend more than a few minutes on the computer. It's working again, but I don't trust it any longer. I hate to let something as stupid as a virus stress me out, but I keep waiting for it to get infected again. I no longer care to even turn it on anymore. Having it functioning for Mary to work from home seems more important right now anyway.

When I think about it, I really just need to bite the bullet and shell out the $1,000 or so for a Macbook and then I won't have computer issues as an excuse any longer. In addition to writing I can spend some time getting this blog that way I want it as well. I would like to post more pictures of my work to date as well as images of current works in progress.

Then again, maybe I should just crawl into bed and not wake again until April or May.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A glimpse at what I have been up to

Here's the fellow who started me on my current path. A repurposed bowling ball. Painted with acrylics, and embellished. Smaller versions made from old softballs followed, as well as a menagerie of other critters large and small.